
Footage 0:00〜0:28

  In the event of a head injury, the referee will stop the game. The team doctor will make an assessment and decide whether the player is fit to continue playing. Only the team doctor is allowed to take the final decision to protect the health of the player and avoid long-term health issues. If concussion is suspected, the player should be removed from the field of play.
1. Recognise   2. Report   3. Remove




Vocab 0:00〜0:28

in the event of A   Aの場合には
/ɪn ðə ɪˈvent əv/

In the event of stormy weather, the game would be postponed.

assessment   評価

Who made this assessment sheet? Completely wrong!

fit   (コンディションが)適している, 整っている

Only Lukaku himself knows whether he is fit for the next game.

avoid   〜を避ける

Nagatomo avoids foods with a lot of sugar.

long-term   長期の
/lɒŋ ˈtɜːm/

We need a long-term plan to build a good team.

health issue   健康問題
/helθ ɪʃuː/

It would be hard to fight against mental health issues on your own.

concussion   脳震盪

Concussion is a serious injury more than you think.

suspect   〜を疑う

Sadly, two players are suspected for drunk drive.

remove   〜を取り除く

The injured player was immediately removed from the pitch.

recognise   〜を認識する

It’s been a while! Can you recognise me?





1. 久しぶりだね!私が誰だか認識できる?
It’s been a while! Can you (     ) me?


2. 私たちは良いチームを作るために、長期的な計画が必要です。
We need a (     ) plan to build a good team.


3. その怪我をした選手は即座にピッチから取り除かれた。
The injured player was immediately (     ) from the pitch.


4. 自分の力で精神の健康問題に立ち向かうのは難しいだろう。
It would be hard to fight against mental (     ) on your own.


5. ルカクのみが、次の試合に向けて彼のコンディションが整っているかを知っている。
Only Lukaku himself knows whether he is (     ) for the next game.


6. この評価を作ったのは誰?完全に違うよ!
Who made this (     ) sheet? Completely wrong!


7. 脳震盪は皆が考えているより深刻な怪我です。
(     ) is a serious injury more than you think.


8. 悲しいことに、2名の選手が飲酒運転で疑われている。
Sadly, two players are (     ) for drunk drive.


9. 荒天の場合には、その試合は延期されるだろう。
(     ) stormy weather, the game would be postponed.


10. 長友は砂糖を多く含む食べ物を避ける。
Nagatomo (     ) foods with a lot of sugar.





1. recognise

2. long-term

3. removed

4. health issues

5. fit

6. assessment

7. Concussion

8. suspected

9. In the event of

10. avoids




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