
Footage 0:00〜1:05


Graeme: My name is Graeme Smith. And I’m the chair of Foxes Pride, the Leicester City LGBT fan group. And this is Paul and Mish, two of our members.

Mish: We’re here to meet a couple of the players and hopefully share our stories with them about how it feels like for us to be football fans.

Ben: First things first, let’s find out a little bit about what Foxes Pride is because we don’t know much about it.

Graeme: So, Foxes Pride was formed about five years ago for LGBT fans of Leicester City and their friends, supporters and allies.

James: So, what kind of issues do the LGBT community face?

Paul:   If you are at a game, and you hear, you know, a gay slur or anything like that, it actually does make you feel a little bit unwelcome.

James: You don’t want to feel like that. You go to support Leicester like everyone else does. And if you’re made to feel like that, then that’s absolutely wrong.

Mish: I heard someone behind me at a game just shout, “Get up you poof!” because someone had gone down after not a tough tackle and I turned around and he was with his son. And I think it’s that language we wanna to try and eliminate as well.




Vocab 0:00〜1:05

chair   会長

The new chair of our society will be announced in 24 hours.

LGBT   セクシャルマイノリティの総称

✍️Lesbian: 女性同性愛者, Gay: 男性同性愛者, Bisexual: 両性愛者, Transgender: 性別越境者

a couple of 〜   何人かの〜, いくつかの〜
/ə ˈkʌpl əv/

Although he made a couple of mistakes, his performance was highly rated.

form   〜を組織する

UNICEF was formed in 1946 with the purpose of saving children.

ally   仲間, 同盟

Mesut Ozil’s closest ally in the Arsenal dressing room was revealed.

issue   問題

What do you expect from him?

community   集団, コミュニティー

Everyone needs to feel that you are part of the football community, regardless of your origin and religion.

face   〜に直面する

Chelsea is facing a financial problem to carry out the project.

slur   中傷, けなし

Newspaper racist slur featuring Romelu Lukaku caused storm in Italian football.

poof   女々しい男, ホモ


go down   倒れる
/ɡəʊ daʊn/

It’s a tough tackle! And Vardy goes down!

eliminate   取り除く, 排除する

Unfortunately, we have yet to eliminate gender-based discrimination.





1. 厳しいタックルです!ヴァーディー倒れる!
It’s a tough tackle! And Vardy (     )!


2. チェルシーはそのプロジェクトを実行するための資金問題に直面している。
Chelsea is (     ) a financial problem to carry out the project.


3. 子供たちを救う目的で、ユニセフは1946年に組織されました。
UNICEF was (     ) in 1946 with the purpose of saving children.


4. いくつかのミスを犯したが、彼のパフォーマンスは高く評価された。
Although he made (     ) mistakes, his performance was highly rated.


5. 我々の協会の新しい会長はあと24時間以内に発表される。
The new (     ) of our society will be announced in 24 hours.


6. メスト・エジルのアーセナルの控室での最も近しい仲間が明かされた。
Mesut Ozil’s closest (     ) in the Arsenal dressing room was revealed.


7. 残念なことに、我々はまだ性別に基づく差別を排除できていない。
Unfortunately, we have yet to (     ) gender-based discrimination.


8. すべての人が生まれや信仰に関係なく、サッカーコミュニティーの一員であることを感じる必要がある。
Everyone needs to feel that you are part of the football (     ), regardless of your origin and religion.


9. 新聞のロメル・ルカクに対する人種差別的な中傷はイタリアサッカー回に波紋を引き起こした。
Newspaper racist (     ) featuring Romelu Lukaku caused storm in Italian football.





1. goes down

2. facing

3. formed

4. a couple of

5. chair

6. ally

7. eliminate

8. community

9. slur




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