
Footage 0:00〜1:26

Beckham: Good morning everyone. And thank you for being here today. My name is David Beckham. And this is not my usual day at the office. So, please bear with me. For almost fifteen years, I have worked with UNICEF as a global Goodwill Ambassador supporting their work for children around the world. Today is World Children’s Day. A day when we should all remind ourselves of our duty to children everywhere. Our duty to protect them, their hopes their aspirations and of course, their dreams. I know from my work with UNICEF just how lucky I was as a child in the past. I grew up in the East End of London and I always dreamed of being a professional footballer. It was all I ever wanted. And unlike many children around the world, I was incredibly lucky. I had a home, an education and a family to help me achieve my dreams. I worked hard, but I was always supported every step of the way, first by my amazing family, then by my teachers and then by my coaches. From a very young age, I had people in my corner who believed in me, who wanted me to succeed, and who helped me to reach my goals.






Vocab 0:00〜1:26

bear with A   Aを辛抱する
/beə(r) wɪð/

Our wi-fi signal is not be as strong as it was, so bear with us just for a moment.

goodwill ambassador   親善大使
/ˌɡʊdˈwɪl æmˈbæsədə(r)/

I’m honoured to be chosen as a goodwill ambassador from UNICEF.

remind A of B   AにBを思い起こさせる

This park reminds me of my childhood.

duty   義務

Our duty is not only teaching children but also learning from them.

aspiration   向上心, 抱負

Kloop shared his aspiration to display their style of football.

unlike   〜と違って

Unlike other players, he has a wide vision.

incredibly   信じられないほど, 驚くほど

Their performance was incredibly better than I had expected.

education   教育

Gender equality must be achieved in education.

believe in A   Aの能力を信じる
/bɪˈliːv ɪn/

No matter what happens, I always believe in Ole.

reach   〜に到達する

Could you tell us the method you used to reach your goal?





1. 教育においては、男女平等が達成されなくてはならない。
Gender equality must be achieved in (     ).


2. 彼らのパフォーマンスは予想してたよりも驚くほどよかった。
Their performance was (     ) better than I had expected.


3. 我々の wi-fi が弱くなってしまっています。なので、少しの間だけご辛抱ください。
Our wi-fi signal is not be as strong as it was, so (     ) us just for a moment.


4. 何が起こったとしても、常に自分はオーレを信じるよ。
No matter what happens, I always (     ) Ole.


5. ユニセフより親善大使に選ばれたことを光栄に思います。
I’m honoured to be chosen as a (     ) from UNICEF.


6. クロップが彼らのサッカーを示すという抱負を話しました。
Kloop shared his (     ) to display their style of football.


7. 他の選手と違って、彼は広い視野を持っている。
(     ) other players, he has a wide vision.


8. 我々の義務は、子供たちに教えるだけでなく、彼らから学ぶことでもある。
Our (     ) is not only teaching children but also learning from them.


9. あなたが目標に到達するために使用したその方法を我々に教えていただけませんか?
Could you tell us the method you used to (     ) your goal?


10. この公園は私に子供の頃を思い出させます。
This park (     ) me of my childhood.





1. education

2. incredibly

3. bear with

4. believe in

5. goodwill ambassador

6. aspiration

7. Unlike

8. duty

9. reach

10. reminds




Thank you very much @davidbeckham !

Please follow him on Instagram!