【The Invincibles】プレミア歴代最長無敗記録へ到達した日

Footage 0:00〜0:45


Commentator: Just three month ago, I was here to see Arsenal become the first team in the modern history of English football to go through an entire league season unbeaten. And today, another record is in their sights. If the champions avoid defeat, against Middlesbrough today, they will equal to the longest undefeated run in the English football history. It could turn out to be a very good ball indeed for Thierry Henry… Yes! Middlesbrough torn apart by one long ball and one stroke of genius! They might have half a chance now with Job… Oh! And they have converted it!




Vocab 0:00〜0:45

modern history   近代史
/ˈmɒdn ˈhɪstri/

In modern history, Arsenal, United, City, Liverpool, Spurs and Chelsea are called “big six”.

entire   すべて, まるまる

Due to the injury, Marco is going to miss out the entire season.

unbeaten   無敗の

Arsenal were called “the Invincibles” because they went unbeaten in their 38 league matches.

sight   視界

I think VAR should be used only when an incident happened out of sight of the referee.

avoid   〜を避ける

The players were advised to eat a high protein diet and avoid sugary foods.

Middlesbrough   ミドルズブラ

✍️イングランド北東部の都市ミドルズブラに本拠地を置くサッカークラブ。2005-06シーズンの UEFAカップでは、決勝でセビージャに敗れたものの、準々決勝・準決勝と奇跡的な大逆転劇で多くのファンを湧かせた。

equal to A   Aに並ぶ
/ˈiːkwəl tə/

Arsenal equaled to Nottingham Forest’s record by winning the match against Middlesbrough.

undefeated run   連続無敗
/ˌʌndɪˈfiːtɪd rʌn/

Liverpool’s undefeated run came to an end! What a relief for Arsenal!

turn out to be A   結果としてAになる

The referee’s call turned out to be wrong! Penalty for Arsenal!

indeed   本当に, 実に, まったくもって

I’m really honoured. Thank you very much indeed.

tear apart   (〜を)引き裂く, 引っ掻き回す
/teə(r) əˈpɑːt/

Thierry Henry tore apart the defensive line with his brilliant footwork.

stroke   ひと働き, 一撃, 歩幅

Arsenal are level through a stroke of Dennis Bergkamp genius!





1. アーセナルはリーグ戦38試合を無敗で進めたため、「インビンシブルズ」と呼ばれました。
Arsenal were called “the Invincibles” because they went (     ) in their 38 league matches.


2. その怪我のせいで、マルコはシーズンすべてを離脱するだろう。
Due to the injury, Marco is going to miss out the (     ) season.


3. VARは審判の視界の外で何か起こったときのみに使用されるべきだと思う。
I think VAR should be used only when an incident happened out of (     ) of the referee.


4. その選手たちは高タンパクの食事をとることと甘い食べ物を避けることをアドバイスされた。
The players were advised to eat a high protein diet and (     ) sugary foods.


5. アーセナルはミドルズブラとの試合に勝利することで、ノッティンガム・フォレストの記録に並びました。
Arsenal (     ) Nottingham Forest’s record by winning the match against Middlesbrough.


6. ティエリ・アンリは素晴らしい足技でディフェンスラインを引き裂きました。
Thierry Henry (     ) the defensive line with his brilliant footwork.


7. アーセナルがデニス・ベルガンプの天才的な一撃で同点に追いつく!
Arsenal are level through a (     ) of Dennis Bergkamp genius!


8. リバプールの無敗記録が終わりを迎えました!アーセナルにとって、なんという安心か!
Liverpool’s (     ) came to an end! What a relief for Arsenal!


9. その審判の判定は結果として誤りとなりました。アーセナルにPKです!
The referee’s call (     ) wrong! Penalty for Arsenal!


10. リードを2倍に広げるチャンスです。彼は沈めることができるか?
It’s a great chance to double the lead! Can he (     ) it?


11. 近代史では、アーセナル、ユナイテッド、シティ、リバプール、スパーズ、チェルシーがビッグ6と呼ばれます。
In (     ), Arsenal, United, City, Liverpool, Spurs and Chelsea are called “big six”.


12. 非常に光栄です。本当にありがとう。
I’m really honoured. Thank you very much (     ).





1. unbeaten

2. entire

3. sight

4. avoid

5. equaled to

6. tore apart

7. stroke

8. undefeated run

9. turned out to be

10. convert

11. modern history

12. indeed




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