
Footage 0:00〜1:18

De Bruyne: Everything I did in my path as a youth player was everything to become a football player. There were difficult decisions. For me, they seemed easy at the time, but if you look back at the decisions that I made, it’s not what everybody do in their life. Well, I moved away from my parents when I was 14. First year, I was in that big school where you sleep overnight with other people and then, luckily, the second year, I went to foster parents. I’m very good being myself. I’m that shy person and again and after, I thought everything went alright, at the end of the year, I’m fine. People never had to go to school for problems, discipline. I’m fine. The year is over. I said goodbye to the foster parents, not knowing what goes on and then I come home and my parents were like… sad, crying. And I’m like… “What’s wrong?” Foster parents don’t want you to come back anymore.




Vocab 0:00〜1:18

path   通り道, (小)道

The path James chose in the past turned out to be right.

move away from A   Aから離れる
/muːv əˈweɪ frəm/

Keisuke Honda moved away from his hometown to be a professional footballer.

sleep overnight   宿泊する, 夜を過ごす
/sliːp ˌəʊvəˈnaɪt/

Due to the tight schedule, Arsenal players had to sleep overnight in an airplane.

luckily   幸運にも

Luckily, Benzema’s injury was not too serious to miss the next game.

foster parent   里親, 育ての親
/ˈfɒstə(r) ˈpeərənt/

If you’re interested in becoming a foster parent in our program, please let us know!

shy   内気な

Everyone had worried about De Bruyne’s shy personality.

discipline   規律

School is a place where you learn the importance of keeping discipline.

be over   終わる, 終了する
/bi ˈəʊvə(r)/

There were more than 50 games, but our season was finally over!

go on   起こる, 続く
/ɡəʊ ɒn/

Leicester scored 8 goals so far against Southampton! What is going on!?

anymore   もう
/ˌeni ˈmɔː(r)/

It’s very sad that we can’t see David Villa score goals anymore.





1. 学校は規律を守ることの大切さを学ぶ場所である。
School is a place where you learn the importance of keeping (     ).


2. 50試合以上の試合があったけど、やっとシーズンが終了した!
There were more than 50 games, but our season was finally (     )!


3. 幸運にも、ベンゼマの怪我は次の試合を欠場するほど深刻なものではなかった。
(     ), Benzema’s injury was not too serious to miss the next game.


4. 過密日程のせいで、アーセナルの選手たちは機内で夜を過ごさなくてはいけませんでした。
Due to the tight schedule, Arsenal players had to (     ) in an airplane.


5. 皆がデ・ブライネの内気な性格を心配していた。
Everyone had worried about De Bruyne’s (     ) personality.


6. 本田圭佑は15歳のとき、プロサッカー選手になるために故郷を離れた。
Keisuke Honda (     ) his hometown to be a professional footballer.


7. ジェームズが過去に選んだその道は、正しいものであったとわかった。
The (     ) James chose in the past turned out to be right.


8. レスターがここまで8ゴールを決めています!何が起こっているんだ!?
Leicester scored 8 goals so far against Southampton! What is (     )!?


9. もし我々の企画において、里親になることに興味がありましたら、お知らせください!
If you’re interested in becoming a (     ) in our program, please let us know!


10. もうダビド・ビジャがゴールを決めるのを見られないなんてとても悲しいよ。
It’s very sad that we can’t see David Villa score goals (     ).





1. discipline(s)

2. over

3. Luckily

4. sleep overnight

5. shy

6. moved away from

7. path

8. going on

9. foster parent

10. anymore




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