
Footage 0:00〜0:30

Yoshida: I have been here for seven years and I have got a lot from the club and the city. So, I think it is time to give something back to them. This season, I’m going to put 1% of my salary to Saints foundation. I decided to make this donation because I like to see Saints Foundation helping local people in a positive way. The best way to do that is together with Saints Foundation.




Vocab 0:00〜0:30

give something back   何かを返す
/ɡɪv ˈsʌmθɪŋ bæk/

Thank you! I’ll give something back to you next time!

put A to B   AをBに送る
/pʊt A tuː B/

She put 10% of her saving to another bank account.

salary   給料

His salary should be much higher next season.

Saints   セインツ(サウサンプトンの愛称)

✍️その他のプレミアリーグクラブの愛称は こちら の記事で確認できます。

foundation   財団

She is a member of the Saints foundation.

decide to do   〜することを決める
/dɪˈsaɪd tuː duː/

Some of the players decided to leave the club in the winter.

donation   寄付

Many players made a donation through the project.

see A doing   Aが〜しているのを見る
/siː A ˈduːɪŋ/

I really like to see children playing football.

local people   地元の人々
/ˈləʊkl ˈpiːpl/

Daniel James is a player who is loved by local people.

in a positive way   前向きに
/ɪn ə ˈpɒzətɪv weɪ/

Anyway, we will see this defeat in a positive way.





1. とにかく、この敗戦を前向きに考えていこうと思うよ。
Anyway, we will see this defeat (     ).


2. 彼女はセインツ財団の一員である。
She is a member of the Saints (     ).


3. ダニエル・ジェームスは地元の人々に愛されている選手だ。
Daniel James is a player who is loved by (     ).


4. 多くの選手がそのプロジェクトを通して寄付を行った。
Many players made a (     ) through the project.


5. 来シーズン、彼の給料はかなり高くすべきだね。
His (     ) should be much higher next season.


6. 何人かの選手が冬にクラブを去ることを決めた。
Some of the players (     ) to leave the club in the winter.


7. ありがとう!次はオレが何か君に返すよ!
Thank you! I’ll (     ) something back to you next time!


8. 彼女は貯蓄の10%を他の銀行口座に移した。
She (     ) 10% of her saving to another bank account.


9. 私は本当に子供達がサッカーをしているのを見るのが好きなんです。
I really like to (     ) children playing football.





1. in a positive way

2. Foundation

3. local people

4. donation

5. salary

6. decided

7. give

8. put

9. see




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