
Footage 0:00〜1:00

Giggs: Learn to save a life this season. Every week in the UK, 12 people die under the age of 35 from heart problems. The FAW and Welsh Hearts aim to change that. We are working together with the aim of putting a defibrillator in every football club in Wales. You may be able to save a life if you start effective CPR quickly and use a defibrillator. Here’s Jonny Williams and Will Vaulks to demonstrate how it’s done.

Check to make sure the area is safe to approach and that you’re not in any danger. Talk to the casualty as you approach and try to get a response. Check the mouth is clear and tilt the head back to keep it clear. Put your ear over the casualty’s mouth and check for breathing for 10 seconds. If the heart has stopped, the casualty won’t be breathing normally. Call 999.




Vocab 0:00〜1:00

The FAW   ウェールズフットボール協会

 The Football Association of Wales の省略形

Welsh Hearts   ウェルシュ・ハート
/welʃ hɑːt/


aim to do   〜することを目指す
/eɪm tuː duː/

What we are aiming to achieve might seem impossible to others.

defibrillator   除細動器

Alex explained how the defibrillator saved his life when he suffered a heart attack.

effective   効果的な

Many people doubted the substitutions Lampard made, but in the end they were effective.

CPR   心肺蘇生法 (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)

Stevie Walker will deliver a CPR lesson to children on Wednesday.

approach   〜に近づく

A passenger jet approaching Heathrow Airport was forced to make a belly landing.

in danger   危険にさらされて
/ɪn ˈdeɪndʒə(r)/

Marcus has been unable to improve the club’s league position and his team is in danger of relegation.

casualty   負傷者, 死傷者

The number of casualties caused by the typhoon has risen to 362, according to the BBC.

tilt back A   Aを後ろに傾ける
/tɪlt bæk/

After Rooney scored the match-winner, he tilted back his head and laughed at the sky.

breathing   呼吸, 息使い

Using a relaxing breathing method for a few minutes prior to sleep will help you calm down.





1. マーカスはクラブの順位を改善することに失敗しており、彼のチームは降格の危険に晒されている。
Marcus has been unable to improve the club’s league position and his team is (     ) of relegation.


2. BBCによれば、その台風による死傷者の数は362人にまで増えたとのことだ。
The number of (     ) caused by the typhoon has risen to 362, according to the BBC.


3. 多くの人が、ランパードの交代策に疑問を抱いたが、最終的にそれらは効果的であった。
Many people doubted the substitutions Lampard made, but in the end they were (     ).


4. リラックス呼吸法を寝る前に数分間使うと、落ち着くことができます。
Using a relaxing (     ) method for a few minutes prior to sleep will help you calm down.


5. ヒースロー空港に近づいていた旅客機は胴体着陸を強いられた。
A passenger jet (     ) Heathrow Airport was forced to make a belly landing.


6. 彼が心臓発作にあったとき、どのようにして除細動器が彼の命を救ったのか説明しました。
Alex explained how the (     ) saved his life when he suffered a heart attack.


7. スティーブ・ウォーカーが水曜日、子供たちに向けて心肺蘇生法のレッスンを行う予定です。
Stevie Walker will deliver a (     ) lesson to children on Wednesday.


8. ルーニーは決勝点を決めた後、頭を後ろに傾け、空を見上げて笑った。
After Rooney scored the match-winner, he (     ) back his head and laughed at the sky.


9. 我々が達成しようと目指しているものは、他の人にとっては不可能に思えるかもしれない。
What we are (     ) to achieve might seem impossible to others.





1. in danger

2. casualties

3. effective

4. breathing

5. approaching

6. defibrillator

7. CPR

8. tilted

9. aiming




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