【リバプールのチャント】テラス席から響く「Allez, Allez, Allez」の起源

Footage 0:00〜1:40


Man: Each season at Liverpool Football Club, it’s been underpinned by one chant on the terrace. And at the moment, that song is “Allez, Allez, Allez”.

Liam: I first heard the tune of “Allez, Allez, Allez” when I was going through YouTube. It just came up with these Porto fans singing their own version and I was like, “Wow, wouldn’t it be great if we could get our own version of it?”.

Phil: When I was doing lyrics really, I was just wanting to first make it about a European cup and not about an individual player and also just think about past experiences. To be honest, a couple of minutes of work and it was done.

Phil: First time I heard “Allez, Allez, Allez” was the stadium in Porto. And I just remember one of my mates turned round to me and said, “You need to get your guitar to that.”

We’ve conquered all of Europe

We’re never gonna stop

From Paris down to Turkey

We’ve won the ****ing lot

Phil: The first time I played it at Boss Night, everyone that day was waiting for that song “When is it coming?”.

We are loyal supporters

And we come from Liverpool

Allez, Allez, Allez





Vocab 0:00〜1:40

Allez, Allez, Allez!   フランス語の Go, Go, Go!
✍️カタカナで発音を書くとしたら「アレ, アレ, アレ!」という感じになります。

each season   それぞれのシーズン
/iːtʃ ˈsiːzn/

At the beginning of each season, they have a training session in Spain.

underpin   ~を支える

Generally, brilliant attackers are underpinned by other players.

chant   チャント, 応援歌

✍️ちなみに、リバプールサポーターの間で最もよく歌われるチャントは You’ll Never Walk Alone です。

terrace   立見席, テラス

✍️リバプールの本拠地アンフィールドのテラス席は有名で、そこで毎回のように応援する熱心なファンをKOP (Kopites) と呼びます。

at the moment   (今)現在
/ət ðə ˈməʊmənt/

Cristiano Ronaldo is the top scorer in the history of UCL at the moment.

tune   メロディー, 旋律
I heard a nice tune on the radio but I can’t remember its name.

go through A   Aを調べる, 通り抜ける
/ɡəʊ θruː/

Robin went through all of his pockets, but he couldn’t find his ticket anywhere.

come up with A   Aを発見する, を思いつく
/kʌm ʌp wɪð/

The skipper came up with a creative way to motivate his teammates.

Porto   ポルト


past experience   過去の経験
/pɑːst ɪkˈspɪəriəns/

Several past experiences made him such a veteran player.

conquer   ~を制する、~を征服する

Finally, Liverpool conquered the Premier League for the first time in 2020.

turn (a)round   振り向く
/tɜːn raʊnd/

The defender turned around and said something to his teammate.

loyal   忠実な
/əz wel/

Liverpool supporters are extremely loyal.





1. そのキャプテンはチームメイトにやる気を出させるための創造的な方法を思いついた。
The skipper (     ) a creative way to motivate his teammates.


2. ラジオで素敵な旋律を聴いたんだけど、その曲の名前が思い出せない。
I heard a nice (     ) on the radio but I can’t remember its name.


3. ついに、リバプールは2020年に初めてプレミアリーグを制しました。
Finally, Liverpool (     ) the Premier League for the first time in 2020.


4. 一般的に、素晴らしい攻撃陣は他の選手たちに支えられている。
Generally, brilliant attackers are (     ) by other players.


5. リバプールのサポーターは非常に忠実だ。
Liverpool supporters are extremely (     ).


6. それぞれのシーズンの初めに、彼らはスペインでトレーニングを実施する。
At the beginning of (     ), they have a training session in Spain.


7. クリスティアーノ・ロナウドは今現在、UCLの歴代最多得点者だ。
Cristiano Ronaldo is the top scorer in the history of UCL (     ).


8. ロビンはポケットの中をすべて調べたが、どこからもチケットを見つけることができなかった。
Robin (     ) all of his pockets, but he couldn’t find his ticket anywhere.


9. その選手は振り返って、味方に何か言った。
The defender (     ) and said something to his teammate.


10. 様々な過去の経験が、彼を百戦錬磨の選手にした。
Several (     ) made him such a veteran player.





1. came up with

2. tune

3. conquered

4. underpinned

5. loyal

6. each season

7. at the moment

8. went through

9. turned (a)round

10. past experiences




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