
Footage 0:00〜0:37

  Whether we are in a stadium or not. There’s no room for racism. Not out there. Not in here. There’s no room for racism anywhere. “Take a knee. They kneel in unity. In solidarity.” But without actions, “A genuinely powerful sight.” these are just words. There’s no room for ignorance or intolerance. For hate. For injustice. For sitting in silence. For doing nothing.




Vocab 0:00〜0:37

whether   〜であろうとなかろうと

You play defensively today whether you like it or not.

there’s no room for A   Aのための場所はない
/ðeəz nəʊ ruːm fɔː(r)/

There’s no room for excuses about the result that we had tonight.

racism   人種差別

There are a large number of people fighting against racism.

kneel   膝をつく

Players are kneeling down on the ground before the match starts.

unity   団結, 統一性

Each player should have a sense of unity to work together.

solidarity   結束, 連帯

Some say that football is a sport of solidarity.

genuinely   本当に, 真に

I was genuinely happy when I scored the goal.

ignorance   無視, 無知(であること)

You cannot be in ignorance of this problem.

intolerance   不寛容(であること)

There are a lot of problems in society caused by racial intolerance.

injustice   不公平, 不当なこと

I tried to protest against the injustice of the penalty decision.





1. 私はゴールを決めたとき、本当に幸せでした。
I was (     ) happy when I scored the goal.


2. 君がそれを好きであろうとなかろうと、今日は守備的にプレーしてくれ。
You play defensively today (     ) you like it or not.


3. それぞれの選手が一緒に働くためには団結する感覚を持つべきだ。
Each player should have a sense of (     ) to work together.


4. 今夜の我々の結果に対して、言い訳の余地はないね。
(     ) excuses about the result that we had tonight.


5. 社会には人種的不寛容によって引き起こされる問題がたくさんある。
There are a lot of problems in society caused by racial (     ).


6. 私はそのペナルティ判定の不公平さに対して抗議をしようとしていました。
I tried to protest against the (     ) of the penalty decision.


7. 人種差別と戦っている人はたくさんいます。
There are a large number of people fighting against (     ).


8. 試合が始まる前に、選手たちがピッチに膝をついています。
Players are (     ) down on the ground before the match starts.


9. この問題を無視していることは許されないよ。
You cannot be in (     ) of this problem.


10. フットボールは結束のスポーツだという人もいます。
Some say that football is a sport of (     ).





1. genuinely

2. whether

3. unity

4. There’s no room for

5. intolerance

6. injustice

7. racism

8. kneeling

9. ignorance

10. solidarity




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