
Footage 0:00〜0:43

Honda: Hi, everyone! I have to tell you one thing that I decided to leave the club. Because my mission was… When I came here, I wanted to change the situation. That was the mission. And I couldn’t. I couldn’t change the situation. And Slutsky left the club. At least, I’m feeling the responsibility for that. So, I shouldn’t stay here after the winter. But I really appreciate it to everyone, supporters and teammates. They are so kind to me while I’m here. So, see you again. Thank you.




Vocab 0:00〜0:43

everyone   みんな

Everyone was amazed by Honda’s free kick.

have to do   〜しなければならない

Tomorrow, we have to win the match.

decide to do   〜することを決める

The manager decided to change two players at once.

leave   〜を去る

Mr. Honda, please do not leave the club!

mission   使命, ミッション

Winning the Premier League title… that is our mission.

situation   状況, シチュエーション

His shot changed the situation of the game.

Slutsky   スルツキー(監督)


at least   少なくとも

At least, they still have another twenty minutes.

responsibility   責任

Whose responsibility is this?

appreciate   〜に感謝する

I really appreciate your support.

while   〜の間

Someone came to see me while I’m out.





1. 明日、我々はその試合に勝たなくてはいけない。
Tomorrow, we (     ) win the match.


2. これは誰の責任だ?
Whose (     ) is this?


3. 彼のシュートが試合の状況を変えた。
His shot changed the (     ) of the game.


4. プレミアリーグのタイトルを獲得すること、それが私たちの使命だ。
Winning the Premier League title… that is our (     ).


5. 少なくとも、彼らにはまだ20分ある。
(     ), they still have another twenty minutes.


6. 本田選手、どうかクラブを去らないでください!
Mr. Honda, please do not (     ) the club!


7. その監督は一気に2人の選手を交代することに決めた。
The manager (     ) change two players at once.


8. みんなが本田のフリーキックに驚かされた。
(     ) was amazed by Honda’s free kick.


9. 私が外出している間に、誰かが私に会いに来ました。
Someone came to see me (     ) I’m out.


10. あなた方のサポート、本当に感謝しています。
I really (     ) your support.







1. have to

2. responsibility

3. situation

4. mission

5. At least

6. leave

7. decided to

8. Everyone

9. appreciate

10. while




Thank you very much @kskgroup2017 !

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