Footage 0:08〜1:33
Why the development of football tactics is overThe development of human beings is over. Our brains have reached elements. Political history is over and architecture, that’s dead too. But, what about football? Have we already seen everything? We’ve had two-three-five system, three-five-two, four-three-three. We had the liberal twirling midfielders, false nines, possession, counter pressing and vertical passing. What’s next? I don’t know. Everything’s been tried. There were world champions with seven strikers on the pitch and world champions with none. There was kick-and-rush and tiki-taka. There was the back three, back four, back five. There were these shirts and these and these. What’s next? Will there always be something new? Or have we reached the end of football history?
Vocab 0:08〜1:33
development 発展, 発達
The academy can offer a number of opportunities for players’ development.
tactics 戦術
Mourinho was criticized for his negative tactics, but eventually they won the match.
human being 人類, 人間
/ˈhjuːmən ˈbiːɪŋ/
This is the place where we can learn how to improves ourselves to be a better human being than before.
reach 達する, 到着する
It took me three hours to reach the stadium from my home.
element 原理, 要素
The legendary striker believes, in football, there are several elements which entartain people.
political 政治的な
Political issues between two countries should not be brought into the game of football.
architecture 建築
The architecture of football stadium has been developed over the years.
liberal twirling 自由に入れ替える
/ˈlɪbərəl ˈtwɜːlɪŋ/
false nine 偽の9番, フォルス9
/fɔːls naɪn/
counter pressing カウンタープレッシング
/ˈkaʊntə(r) ˈpresɪŋ/
vertical passing 縦パス
/ˈvɜːtɪkl ˈpɑːsɪŋ/
The problem for two center backs was they didn’t have vertical passing options.
kick-and-rush キックアンドラッシュ
tiki-taka ティキ・タカ
1. センターバック2人にとって問題だったのは縦パスの選択肢がなかったことだ。
The problem for two center backs was they didn’t have ( ) options.
2. その2国間の政治的な問題はフットボールの試合に持ち込まれるべきではない。
( ) issues between two countries should not be brought into the game of football.
3. そのフットボールスタジアムの建築は何年にも渡って発展させられきた。
The ( ) of football stadium has been developed over the years.
4. モウリーニョは消極的な戦術で批判されたが、最終的にスパーズは試合に勝利した。
Mourinho was criticized for his negative ( ), but eventually Spurs won the match.
5. その伝説的なストライカーはフットボールには人々を楽しませるいくつかの要素があると信じている。
The legendary striker believes, in football, there are several ( ) which entartain people.
6. ここは私たちがより良い人間になるための方法を学ぶ場所です。
This is the place where we can learn how to improves ourselves to be a better ( ).
7. 私の家からスタジアムに到着するまで3時間かかりました。
It took me three hours to ( ) the stadium from my home.
8. そのアカデミーは選手の発達のためのたくさんの機会を提供することができます。
The academy can offer a number of opportunities for players’ ( ).
1. vertical passing
2. Political
3. architecture
4. tactics
5. elements
6. human being
7. reach
8. development
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