
Footage 0:00〜0:53

  I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy to go out there and have to take a penalty in a penalty shootout. Please don’t miss. Please don’t miss. Please don’t miss. It’s not a nice place to be. Yeah, I’ve never been under so much pressure mentally, physically. I think the number one role of penalties is not to change what you’re comfortable with. Make the decision and stick to it. When the moment arrives, you define it or it defines you.




Vocab 0:00〜0:53

enemy   敵, 相手

My biggest enemy is myself, not others.

penalty shootout   PK戦
/penəlti ˈʃuːt aʊt/

Arsenal beat Everton in a penalty shootout.

under pressure   緊張に晒されて
/ˈʌndə(r) ˈpreʃə(r)/

It is important to make a quick decision under pressure.

mentally   精神的に

He is mentally strong.

physically   身体的に

They are physically better than us.

role   任務, 役割

He completed his role as a captain.

stick to A   Aにこだわる
/stɪk tə/

Supporters do not know why the coach sticks to long balls.

moment   瞬間

The moment he kicked the ball, he got cramp on his leg.

define   〜を定める

Can you define what this sport is?





1. 彼は精神的に強い。
He is (     ) strong.


2. サポーターはなぜその監督がロングボールにこだわるのかわからない。
Supporters do not know why the coach (     ) long balls.


3. 彼はキャプテンとしての役割を全うした。
He completed his (     ) as a captain.


4. このスポーツが何であるか定義できますか?
Can you (     ) what this sport is?


5. 私の最大の敵は自分自身です。他人ではありません。
My biggest (     ) is myself, not others.


6. 彼はボールを蹴った瞬間に、足が痙攣しました。
The (     ) he kicked the ball, he got cramp on his leg.


7. プレッシャーのかかった状態で、素早い判断をすることが大切だ。
It is important to make a quick decision (     ).


8. 彼らは身体的に我々より優れている。
They are (     ) better than us.


9. アーセナルはPK戦でエバートンを破った。
Arsenal beat Everton in a (     ).





1. mentally

2. sticks to

3. role

4. define

5. enemy

6. moment

7. under pressure

8. physically

9. penalty shootout




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